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Mouse HAVCR2 Protein, Fc Tag产品信息
产品编号 KMP2336
产品名称 Mouse HAVCR2 Protein, Fc Tag
产品描述 The Mouse HAVCR2 Protein(KMP2336) is produced in HEK293 Cells and the target gene encoding Arg20-Arg191 is expressed with a Fc tag at the C-terminus.
物种 Mouse
宿主 HEK293 Cells
规格 50ug, 100ug, 200ug
纯化方式 Affinity purification
内毒素水平 <1.0 EU/ug determined by the LAL method
缓冲体系 PBS, pH7.4
功能 Cell surface receptor implicated in modulating innate and adaptive immune responses. Generally accepted to have an inhibiting function. Reports on stimulating functions suggest that the activity may be influenced by the cellular context and/or the respective ligand (PubMed:18006747). Regulates macrophage activation (PubMed:11823861). Inhibits T-helper type 1 lymphocyte (Th1)-mediated auto- and alloimmune responses and promotes immunological tolerance (PubMed:14556006, PubMed:18006747). In CD8+ cells attenuates TCR-induced signaling, specifically by blocking NF-kappaB and NFAT promoter activities resulting in the loss of IL-2 secretion. The function may implicate its association with LCK proposed to impair phosphorylation of TCR subunits (By similarity). In contrast, shown to activate TCR-induced signaling in T-cells probably implicating ZAP70, LCP2, LCK and FYN (PubMed:21807895). Expressed on Treg cells can inhibit Th17 cell responses (By similarity). Receptor for LGALS9. Binding to LGALS9 is believed to result in suppression of T-cell responses; the resulting apoptosis of antigen-specific cells may implicate HAVCR2 phosphorylation and disruption of its association with BAG6 (PubMed:22863785). Binding to LGALS9 is proposed to be involved in innate immune response to intracellular pathogens. Expressed on Th1 cells interacts with LGALS9 expressed on Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected macrophages to stimulate antibactericidal activity including IL-1 beta secretion and to restrict intracellular bacterial growth (PubMed:20937702). However, the function as receptor for LGALS9 has been challenged (By similarity). Also reported to enhance CD8+ T-cell responses to an acute infection such as by Listeria monocytogenes (PubMed:24567532). Receptor for phosphatidylserine (PtSer); PtSer-binding is calcium-dependent (PubMed:20083673). May recognize PtSer on apoptotic cells leading to their phagocytosis. Mediates the engulfment of apoptotic cells by dendritic cells (PubMed:19224762). Expressed on T-cells, promotes conjugation but not engulfment of apoptotic cells (PubMed:20083673). Expressed on dendritic cells (DCs) positively regulates innate immune response and in synergy with Toll-like receptors promotes secretion of TNF-alpha (PubMed:18006747). In tumor-imfiltrating DCs suppresses nucleic acid-mediated innate immune repsonse by interaction with HMGB1 and interfering with nucleic acid-sensing and trafficking of nucleid acids to endosomes (PubMed:22842346). Can enhance mast cell production of Th2 cytokines Il-4, IL-6 and IL-13 (PubMed:17620455). Expressed on natural killer (NK) cells acts as a coreceptor to enhance IFN-gamma production in response to LGALS9. In contrast, shown to suppress NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity (By similarity). Negatively regulates NK cell function in LPS-induced endotoxic shock (PubMed:25337993). Belongs to the T-cell and airway phenotype regulator (Tapr) locus, a single chromosomal region that confers reduced T-helper type 2 responsiveness and protects against airway hyperactivity (AHR), the hallmark of human asthma. In vivo administration of antibody to HAVCR2 enhances the clinical and pathological severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), a Th1-dependent autoimmune disease and increases the number and activation level of macrophages. Endogenous expression on dendritic cells is proposed to act as a negative regulator of chemotherapy-induced antitumor responses.
产品背景 T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-3(TIM3), also called hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 2(HAVCR2), is a transmembrane glycoprotein of the TIM family of immune regulating molecules and plays an important role in the Th1-mediated immune response. TIM3 is expressed on the Th1 cells, CD8 T-cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells, but not on Th2 cells. TIM3 expressed by monocytes and dendritic cells facilitates phagocytosis of apoptotic cells and up-regulates cross-presentation of apoptotic cell-associated antigens through interaction with phosphatidylserine. Engagement of TIM3 by its ligand galectin-9 induces a range of immunosuppressive functions which enhance immune tolerance and inhibit anti-tumor immunity. Stimulation of TIM3 with an agonistic antibody promotes inflammation through the activation of innate immune cells. TIM3 is also regarded as a potential target molecule for immunotherapy. TIM3 and programmed cell death 1(PD-1) as two important coinhibitory regulators of T cell responses, have been implicated with the T-cell dysfunction or exhaustion associated with chronic HBV infection including HBV-related HCC.
保存条件 Aliquot and store at -20℃ to -80℃. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.
说明 This product is for research use only.
参考文献 1.Nature 415:536-541 (2002) 2.Nat. Immunol. 4:1102-1110 (2003) 3.Blood 110:2565-2568 (2007) 4.Nat. Med. 18:1394-1400 (2012) 5.Nat. Immunol. 13:832-842 (2012) 6.J. Immunol. 184:1918-1930 (2010) 7.J. Immunol. 192:3133-3142 (2014)
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